Cloud infra is in most demand and It's future of Infrastructure setup because of scale, open pricing, resource usefulness it provides. Though there are still few areas which has been overlooked and needs attention to provide holistic solution. Review of Infra setup file is one of them.
AWS cloud infra is great to start quickly with multiple services enabled. It supports IAAS and there is 34% adoption.
AWS too created CloudFormation Template to enable IaC (Infrastructure as Code). This was great move, given that troubles with manual Indra setup had never ending problems.
Though, there is still a gap. There is no tool which provides holistic detail, review and recommendation for CloudFormation templates. It's still done via manual scavenging the online documentation.
This has resulted in vulnerable Infra setup, missing best practices. It's like ticking problem bomb which will eventually explode.
To solve this, we created CloudEvaluate. Whole idea behind this was to enable organizations and individuals to have best AWS template.
CloudEvaluate provides
Eventually CloudEvaluate will provide, detailed downloadable documentation based upon template, templates. Connection to various repository so that there is no need of upload at CloudEvaluate. Sample templates to kick start your project.
Do checkout CloudEvaluate and connect for any feedback